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Rich in color and detail, paintings and sculptures by Kim Howes Zabbia come from her subconscious.
Many remain abstract while some lean toward a recognizable "feel".
"As a working artist, I allow subject matter to evolve from within...unplanned, free, limitless. As a result, accidental realism peeks through layers of color and form as I hope to inspire viewers of all ages to embark on an exciting scavenger hunt of images."
“When I work, the paint and I are in constant dialogue. I have my ideas; the paint has her own. Without this silent discourse, the concept cannot be resolved, so the painting waits to be completed at a later date whenever I decide to surrender. It takes strength on my part to let the paint win, not to judge or second-guess it, because I know that the paint will reveal my lifelong struggle between freedom and control and the depths of my subconscious which I would prefer to hide.” Kim Howes Zabbia
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This means you can use the camera on your phone or tablet and superimpose any piece of art onto a wall inside of your home or business.
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I am always open to suggestions, comments and questions no matter how far-fetched. I'll dig till I find an answer for you! Feel free to write anytime.